Lamb Meatballs with Immune Boosting Bone Broth

By Claudine Noppe


In 2020 all our lives changed with the onslaught of COVID -19. Even though no diet or food can protect you from the virus, at least we can boost our immune systems this winter with a hearty bone broth. Not only does Covid attack your body, it also affects your mind. With self-isolation, depression has risen to an all-time high. Cooking can help with your mental health by forcing you to get up and get organized. A shopping list needs to be made, certain preparations are in order and you can follow a process to yield a very tasty result. Being creative in the kitchen can help you feel more empowered and able. A 2016 study followed a number of people as they embarked on a challenge to complete tasks like baking and cooking in the kitchen every day. The group of people reported that they were happier and more relaxed after cooking or baking. 

These Asian inspired lamb meatballs with an immune boosting broth are not only for your mental health, but also for your physical health. Garlic has a high concentration of a sulfur called allicin, that has been proved to boost your immune system while ginger can help reduce inflammation, especially in a sore throat. The addition of lime adds Vitamin C to the dish, which we all know builds the immune system. The bright yellow spice of turmeric not only adds a happy colour to the broth but also helps fight inflammation. 

In these dire times anything that can make us feel better is important. This dish is perfect to get the whole family involved, and if you live alone, it will keep you busy for a couple of hours. It also allows for creativity when plating your bowl of food. We eat with our eyes, and if we go through the trouble to make our own food look good, it tastes all the better for it. 

Click here for a printable recipe.


*makes 20 meatballs and broth serves 4 


For the broth: 

  • 800 g lamb bones

  • 1 onion cut in two

  • 1 ginger tuber, sliced

  • 1 turmeric tuber, sliced (If you cannot find fresh turmeric, replace with 7,5 ml of the powder)

  • 2 garlic cloves, halved

  • 1 teaspoon cloves

  • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds

  • 1 cinnamon stick

  • 3 star anise pods

  • Handful of fresh coriander


For the Meatballs: 

  • 500 g lamb mince 

  • 15 ml fresh ginger, grated 

  • 30 ml spring onion, finely chopped

  • 15 ml coriander, finely chopped

  • 15 ml mint, finely chopped 

  • Salt to taste 

To serve: 

  • Rice noodles

  • Thinly sliced carrot

  • Bean sprouts

  • Fresh coriander

  • Fresh mint

  • Lime wedge 

  • You can serve this with anything! Get creative when making your bowl. Some pickled radishes, fresh spinach, sautéed shitaki mushrooms and sticky rice, will be great alternatives. 


For the broth: 

1. Place all the ingredients in a pot and fill with cold water. Leave on a low heat for 3- 4 hours. Strain the broth and adjust seasonings to your taste (I added some soy sauce and lime juice). 

For the meatballs: 

1. In a bowl mix all the ingredients. I don’t use a binder for these meatballs as they pretty much stayed together when I started mixing it. If your mixture looks very loose and does not want to roll into balls, feel free to add an egg. 


2. Roll the mixture into table spoon sized balls, and fry in a dry pan on a high heat until nicely browned. Alternatively you can poach the meatballs in the broth. 


3. Create your own bowl and pour the warm broth over everything. Serve hot!
