Posts tagged Sheep-tails
Die WAT van die skaap??

Skaapstertjies. Ek gaan nie vir jul jok nie, die eerste keer toe iemand vir my ‘n skaapstertjie aangebied het, het ek hierdie vreemde storie maar baie versigtig benader. As stadskind het ek nie grootgeword met hierdie lekkerny op die spyskaart nie (het ek ooit geweet ‘n skaap se stert is eetbaar?). Nou is skaapstertjies hoog op die lys van my gunsteling kosse, solank dit reg gaargemaak is natuurlik!


Die twee belangrikste dinge om te verstaan as dit by skaapstertjies kom is dat dit ‘n stukkie vleis is wat bietjie voorafbereiding verg en dat dit definitief nie in die nuutste verslankingsdieet gaan verskyn nie! Maar dit beteken nie dit steek af by ander snitte nie, en is ook glad nie soveel moeite as jy dit nou en dan vir ‘n spesiale geleentheid maak nie. Dis eintlik so eenvoudig soos ‘n pot kokende water op die stoof! Party mense stel voor mens kook die stertjies in soutwater omdat die temperatuur van die water dan hoër is, waar ander weer ‘n goeie ou stoompot verkies.  Ek persoonlik is bietjie versigtig vir ‘n stoompot en het nog nie ‘n elektriese stoompot in my trousseaukis nie, daarom verkies ek ‘n pot met kookwater op die stoof. Dit vat so 90min vir skaapstertjies om sag te kook, en as dit wegtrek van die beentjie af is dit reg om uit te die water, en op die kole te kom. Dit was Oom Francois (Floors) Botha van die Vrystaat se skaapstertjies wat my guns die eerste keer gewen het. Oom Floors het hierdie jaar by die Bloem Skou groot naamgemaak met sy skaapstertjies wat hy sorgvuldig by die huis gedokter het voor hy dit by die skou kom braai het. Volgens hom lê die sukses van ‘n stertjie nie net in die “pre-cooking” nie, maar ook in sy sous. Nie noodwendig die tipe sous wat jy by die stertjie sit nie, maar meer die tydsberekening van die sous se byvoeging. Oom Floors vertel my hy het per toeval uitgevind het, toe hy haastig ‘n hele klomp stertjies moes voorberei, dat dit goed werk om die vuurwarm stertjies wat uit die stoompot of kookwater kom direk in die sous te sit en net so te vries. Dis asof die warm stertjies die sous opsuig en dit dan goed behou as dit weer ontvries en gebraai word.

Skaapstertjies is ook glad nie ‘n vreemde gereg vir Noord-Kapenaars nie. Hier het ek by die “Williston Mall” se restaurant heerlike Karusaf skaapstertjies geëet. Hierdie heerlike karoo skaapstertjies was goed vooraf saggekook en toe net oor die vuur gebraai totdat die buitekant lekker krakerig was, met net sout en peper oor, sodat mens nog die heerlike geur wat eie is aan skaapvleis uit die karoo kon proe. Daar was ook groot feesgevier met skaapstertjies by hierdie jaar se Hantam Vleisfees in Calvinia. Al was daar 4 verskillende stalletjies wat skaapstertjies gebraai en verkoop het, was daar nie ‘n enkele skaapstertjie oor in Calvinia na 2uur die middag nie. Skaapstertjies is verseker die gunsteling “feeskos” op die platteland, wat maklik in die loop geniet kan word deur oud en jonk!

Na my besoek aan die Noord Kaap was ek baie hartseer dat stadskinders so moet uitmis op een van die lekkerste bederfies wat uit ‘n skaapkarkas kom. Ek het bietjie gaan ondersoek instel oor waar mens skaapstertjies in die stad kan kry. Dit is nie sommer ‘n produk wat op ‘n supermark, of selfs ‘n stadslaghuis, se rak lê nie so ek moes lank soek voor ek by die manne van “KLH Oos-Kaap Lam” uitgekom het deur hul sosiale media blad. Hierdie manne het as studente agtergekom die aanvraag vir “die 5de kwart” in die stad is genoeg om goeie besigheid mee te maak, maar die produkte is nie naastenby so maklik bekombaar soos in die platteland nie. Hul het hierdie geleentheid aangegryp en met ‘n waentjie die langpad aangepak en by ‘n paar kontakte by abattoirs skaapafval, skaapstertjies, beesstert en beestong aangekoop. Die stadsjapies het hierdie produkte soos soetkoek opgeraap en hierdie manne bedryf jare later steeds deeltyds hul 5de kwart besigheid in die stad vanaf hul Facebook blad.

Ek dink dit is net ‘n kwessie van tyd voor die “food market” kultuur in die stad skaapstertjies beetkry, tot dan lyk dit my skaapstertjies is een van die beste geheime wat die platteland inhou!

Cut by cut Part 2:  The WHAT of the sheep??

I am currently on a cullinary journey to discover the new and classical uses of the delicious cuts of lamb and mutton and to experiment with it. Join me in part two of this four part series as I discover delicious recipes and easy cooking methods for sheeps tails.

 Lamb and sheep tails.  I am not going to lie or deny it.  The first time somebody offered me a sheep’s tail, I was very hesitant and approached this with great caution.  As a city girl I did not grow up with this delicatessen on any menu (I did not even know you could eat the tail?).  Now, sheep’s tails are high on my list of favourite foods, as long as the correct prepping and cooking procedures are followed of course!


There are two very important things to remember when it comes to sheep’s tails.  This little piece of meat requires quite a bit of preparation and it will not be included in any type of weight loss plan.  This however does not mean it is any less of a meat cut when compared to the other cuts of the carcass, and the preparation is not that complicated when preparing it once in a while for special occasions.  Come to think of it, it is as easy as a pot of boiling water on the stove!  Some people suggest that the tails should be cooked in Salt water – then the temperature will be higher, while other prefer to cook it in a pressure cooker.  I am wary of old fashioned stove top pressure cookers and do not have an electric version in my trousseau as yet (hint-hint) and therefore prefer the saltwater method.  The cooking time is about 90 minutes for the tails to be tender.  When the meat pulls away from the bones it can be taken out of the water to be grilled on the braai.  It was Oom Floors’ (Francois Botha) sheep tail recipe and method from the Free State that won me over.  He prepared and made these little delicious tails at home to be braaied at the Bloem Show and made quite a name for himself.  According to him the success of the recipe lies in the pre-cooking and the secret ingredients of is marinade and sauce.  The type of sauce is really one of preference, but the timing of when you add it to the process will determine the success of the recipe.  Oom Floors told me that he had accidentally determined this method, when he had to prep sheep’s tails in a hurry.  It works particularly well when you dunk the boiling hot sheep’s tails (straight from the pot) into the sauce.  This allows the meat and fat to absorb the flavours of the marinade.  After cooling a bit, the marinated tails can be packed and frozen for a braai at a later stage.

Sheep’s tails seems to only be a “foreign-food” to Gautengers.  The Northern Cape locals are very accustomed with this delicacy.  I had some very tasty tails at a restaurant in the Williston Mall, supplied by Karusaf.  These Karoo tails were pre-cooked to perfection, seasoned with only salt and pepper and then braaied for that lekker taste of chargrilled chrunch.  The salt and pepper seasoning compliments the natural flavours which are only offered by the Karoo region.  The Hantam Vleisfees in Calvina is no stranger to celebrating this occasion with these meaty treats.  Event hough there were about four food stalls selling skaapstertjies by 14:00 that afternoon, all tails were sold out.  Stertjies are without a doubt the favourite food at these type of feeste in the platteland, loved by young and old!

After my visit and experience in the Northern Cape, I was quite sadden about the fact that kids growing up in the cities are missing out on this delicious spoil.  This motivated me to go and find out where in Pretoria I could find some stertjies.  It’s not really an easy cut to find in any butchery or supermarket fridge.  Through the power of social media, I finally found a reliable supplier in “KLH Oos-Kaap Lam”.  These guys started their company as students when they realised there was a demand for the so called 5th-quarter in the city, due to the reason that it is not readily available in our butcheries and supermarkets.  The stadsjapies reaped up their stock and ever since then, they almost couldn’t keep up with the demand.  They very successfully run their business from their Facebook page.

I think it is only a matter of time, before the food market culture in the cities, discover the taste phenomenon of these little delicacies.  Until then, it will remain one of the platteland’s best untold tales.